In November, the dollar fell to a record low against the euro, a26-year nadir against the British pound and a level not seen in a century versus the Canadian dollar. 11月份,美元兑欧元跌至纪录低点,兑英镑跌至26年新低,兑加元更是滑到了一个世纪以来从未有过的水平。
The dollar, which like the yen has recently been gaining against rival currencies, climbed against the euro and the British pound. 与日圆一样,美元兑其他主要货币的汇率近来也不断攀升,兑欧元和英镑都有上扬。
London, estimated at26 percent more expensive than New York, climbed three spots to second place on a strengthening British pound and steep ( 3) rental prices. 由于英镑的升值和高昂的租房,伦敦的生活消费水平比纽约高出26个百分点,名列第二,比去年前进了三名。
A British pound is worth over two dollars. 一英镑的价值是美元的的两倍多。
The dollar is on its biggest surge since the mid-1990s& up 19 percent over the past 12 months against a basket of global currencies that includes the Japanese yen and the British pound. 在过去12个月里,美元出现了1990年代中期以来最大的一波升势&相对日元和英镑在内全球多种货币,美元涨幅高达19%。
It is unclear how much sway celebrities hold in a debate that wrestles with questions such as whether an independent Scotland could keep the queen and the British pound but get rid of nuclear submarines and austerity. 苏格兰独立后是否要继续保留女王和英镑,但摆脱核潜艇和经济紧缩?在类似这样的讨论中,名人们究竟有多大影响力,目前尚不分明。
Soros rose to fame and fortune two decades ago on a now-historic trade, in which he took on the Bank of England and shrewdly wagered on a devaluation of the British pound. 20年前,索罗斯向英格兰银行发起了挑战,精明地押注英镑贬值,攫取了巨额财富,也因此声名大振。这在现今来看也堪称历史上很著名的一次交易行为。
The multi-currency cross-border payment arrangements between the Mainland and Hong Kong, which cover the Hong Kong dollar, US dollar, Euro and British pound, have been in operation since last March. 去年3月起,大陆和香港建立的覆盖多币种的跨境支付清算合作机制已经运行,多币种包含了港币、美元、欧元以及英镑等。
At that time one British pound exchanged for$ 2.80. 那时,一英镑可以兑换2.80美元。
"Funding" currencies such as the Swiss franc and Japanese yen rallied strongly against higher yielding currencies such as the Australian and New Zealand dollars and the British pound. 瑞士法郎和日元等“低息”货币兑诸如澳币、新西兰元和英镑之类的高息货币大幅升值。
Four kinds of foreign currencies can be handled here. They are US Dollar, British Pound, Euro and Japanese Yen. 我们办理四种外币:美元、英镑、欧元和日元。
As investors expected the central bank will again cut interest rates sharply, the British pound against the dollar and the euro continued to go down. 由于投资者预期该央行将再次大幅降息,英镑兑美元和欧元继续走低。
The value of the British pound is less than it was100 years ago. 现在英镑的价值比一百年前的低。
The largest buyers have been the Europeans, probably due to the strength of the euro and the British pound. 最大的买家是欧洲人,原因或许是欧元和英镑的坚挺。
The British pound, Swedish krona, Swiss franc and Canadian dollar are also trading well above their burger benchmark. 英镑,瑞典克朗,瑞士法郎和加拿大元的汇率同样也是高于其汉堡包基准。
Former British gold coin, originally worth one pound 旧时英国金币,面值一英镑
Indicates that British pound currency is used. 表示使用了英国货币单位英镑。
What is the exchange rate for British pound notes? 英镑纸钞的汇率是多少?
Some background: The value of China's currency, unlike, say, the value of the British pound, isn't determined by supply and demand. 给大家一些背景知识。中国货币与例如英镑的其它货币不一样,它不是供求关系决定的。
In the international foreign exchange market, the euro, British pound, Australian dollar and so on are the indirect quotation. 在国际外汇市场上,欧元、英镑、澳元等均为间接标价法。
In fact, the British pound, the dollar will become a hard currency Why, where are they hard? 事实上,英镑、美元为什麽会成为硬通货,它们硬在哪里?
British money; especially the pound sterling as the basic monetary unit of the UK. 英国的货币;特别指作为英联邦基本货币单位的英镑。
The British government devalued the pound. 英国政府使英镑贬值了。
According to the latest investigation half of the British people have on idea what the Euro is worth in relation to the British pound. 根据最新的调查,半数的英国人不知道欧元与英镑的比值。
Britain's "Financial Times" published an article pointing out that they do not give rise to "old-style currency crisis," the British pound decline is good news. 英国《金融时报》刊文指出,只要不引起“旧式货币危机”,英镑跌势就是英国的福音。
The impetus for the stock market euphoria of the 1920s came partly from a loose monetary policy pursued by an inexperienced Federal Reserve in a misguided attempt to help the British preserve the value of the pound after the return to the gold standard. 在一定程度上,美联储(Fed)遵循的宽松货币政策为上世纪20年代股市狂飙提供了动力。当时,缺乏经验的美联储错误地尝试帮助英国在回归金本位后维持英镑的价值。
The group of countries whose currencies are tied to the British pound sterling. 其货币与英国的货币英镑联系在一起的国家群。
Particularly, except for the financial markets, organizations and institutions, the role of British Pound as the monetary sovereignty had arisen obviously, which was not available in Holland. 尤其值得注意的是,除了金融市场、金融组织和金融机构的作用外,英镑所体现的主权货币能力开始显现,这在荷兰霸权史中是不具备的。